His Christmas Pixie
His Christmas Pixie
By Darlene Tallman
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
About the Author
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
His Christmas Pixie
Copyright 2016 © Darlene Tallman
Published by: Darlene Tallman
Editor: Emily Kirkpatrick
Cover by Dark Water Covers
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from. Darlene Tallman, the author / publisher.
This story is for my ride-or-die girls, who hopefully know how important they are to this journey we call life! For my Renée’s-yes, I have two important women in my life named Renee. For my Debbie’s-again, multiple women in my life named Debbie have “been there” with and for me over the years. And for Sandra, who didn’t shy away from a sixteen-year-old “Yankee” that very first day we met. I love all of you more than words can say and am so very grateful that you were put on my path!
When I first read of this anthology, my mind started spinning and the beginnings of a story came to mind. I like women who have overcome the odds no matter what they are-be it an unplanned pregnancy, domestic abuse, a crappy family of origin. Being able to bring that to life in a way that people enjoy reading about is one of my goals as an author and I hope I have succeeded in this story.
I initially didn’t think I’d have this one finished in time, but with a lot of encouragement from Cree, I pushed through, so I want to thank a woman whose encouragement has meant a lot since I pushed “publish” the very first time. I cannot wait until 2017 when I get to meet you in Dallas!
Emily “Eagle Eye” Kirkpatrick, who misses little and whose changes are (hopefully) making each one I write easier to edit as I take those previous tweaks and apply them to the next story. You took a chance on a newbie; glad you’re along for the ride!
And for Tracie with Dark Water Covers who created the gorgeous cover-I foresee a lot of collaborating in the future with your talent!
Last but certainly not least, my betas-Pam, Joanne, Melanie, Kat, and Sherry-who have been with me since the first book and continue to offer great suggestions to make my perfectly imperfect characters more believable, while Mel takes my words and crafts some of the prettiest teasers I’ve ever seen that capture those words in a way that folks want to read what I’ve written!
Six years, nine months ago
"Shit, Chessie, the condom broke! Now what?"
Six years, seven months ago
"How do I even know it's mine?"
"Um, well, the condom broke, remember asshole?"
"That means nothing, if you gave it up to me, you could have given it up to someone else."
With tears in her eyes, Chessie realized that the boy she was half in love with and had given her virginity to was in fact, an immature jackass. Great. Now what was she going to do? Her parents were going to kill her.
"Out! No daughter of mine will disrespect this family by getting pregnant! "
"Dad, where will I go?" she sobbed.
"Don't know, don't care. Call one of your friends or something."
Six years ago
"Push! C'mon Chessie, you can do this! Push one more time-you've got this," her two besties said.
Looking at them both, she couldn't believe she had been blessed enough to have not one but two friends who cared enough to take her in when her parents kicked her out. The three of them were now roommates, and with Pam already having a little one, kids and sleepless nights were already on the schedule. She still wondered what Jason was up to, but knew that after he found out she had gotten pregnant from their one and only night together, he had bailed. She couldn't blame him, she was just eighteen and he had turned twenty-one a few months before that fateful night. She vowed that the only one she would love would be this little one trying to rip her in half.
Chapter One
Chessie couldn’t believe it was only two weeks until Christmas. Two weeks until Jade turned six. Two weeks until she and the girls took a much-needed vacation. As she thought back over the past six years, she was, once again, grateful for the two friends and their parents who had taken her in when her mom and step-dad kicked her out. She was able to finish high school, and was now enrolled in night classes at the local tech school and working during the day at the diner, along with Pam and Fran. The three of them were hell on wheels, but the regulars loved them and the diner was always full to overflowing with customers.
Walking into the diner, she went to the back and grabbed her apron, pad and a few pens before she checked to see what section was hers today. As she passed by Pam, she saw her wiggle her eyebrows over toward section one, where she apparently had a new customer waiting. Hmm, wonder what that was about? Pam knew that after the hell she went through with Jason, no man was going to be on her radar ever again. It had taken the Thompsons and their lawyer to get Jade any kind of child support, which thankfully was an automatic thing since Jason was now in the military. She was lucky, too, that the insurance covered Jade because lordy, she had been a sickly baby! Shaking her head, she pasted a smile on her face and headed to the table Pam had indicated.
“Hi, I’m Chessie, and I’ll be your waitress today. Can I start you out with some coffee, juice or soda?” she asked.
Warm, brown eyes looked up at her. “Um, coffee, black, please.”
Momentarily taken back, she smiled and said, “Coming right up” before she beat feet to the back where the coffee pots were. Holy hell! Who on earth was that man? She hadn’t had even an inkling of interest in anyone in over six years. One look at that guy and she was wanting to plant flowers around a white picket fence. Shit shit shit. Taking another deep breath, she returned with his coffee and a carafe, because he looked like someone who likely drank more than one cup and her section was filling up. Fast.
“Did you decide what you wanted?” she asked.
“I’ll have the breakfast special, eggs sunny side up, white toast with butter and some grape jelly, no grits, hash browns with onions, and crisp bacon.”
Well, he was a big guy so it stood to reason he could eat all of that, she thought, as she jotted it all down.
“And I’ll take a water too, please,” he said as she was walking away. Waving her hand to let him know she heard, she went and grabbed that, along with more napkins and placed them on his table before heading to the next one in her section. Man, it was hopping today-likely folks wanting to finish up their
Christmas shopping.
“Hey Chessie! We want the usual, okay girl?”
“Yeah, sure, Mike. Coffee all around?”
“Yes, ma’am. You know us so well.”
Putting in their order, she took a few minutes to think about the new guy sitting in her section. Who was he? Was he just passing through or did he live here now?
Chapter Two
Mack Corrigan looked at the waitress as she walked away. She was a cute little thing, with a pixie face and blonde hair streaked with pink. His interest piqued, he started listening to the other customers as they interacted with her. She seemed to give as good as she got, joking around and teasing the regulars she was serving. He wondered if she had a man in her life, then wondered why on earth a few words from a virtual stranger would have him thinking along those lines. Hell, he hadn’t been interested in a woman for more than getting his dick wet in years, yet there was something about her that drew him to her. He didn’t believe in insta-love, but lust? Hell yeah. Deciding that he wanted to get to know her better, especially since he was new in town, he waited until she came back with his food before he said, “Chessie? That’s an unusual name for a beautiful woman like you.”
Smiling, she said “It’s short for Francesca, but only my mom called me that.”
“Ah, I see. Well, my name’s Mack and I’m new in town. Maybe you could show me some of the local sights later?”
“Um, well, I would like that but I’ve got class tonight.”
Thinking quickly, he pulled out his phone and said “What’s your number? I’ll text you so you have mine and then maybe we can figure out a better time?”
She rattled off her phone number, intrigued at how this complete stranger was making her feel. She had honestly felt nothing for any of the men she had met since Jason. Even that jackass, whenever she had the misfortune to see him when he was home on leave, did nothing for her any longer. She figured that the trauma of getting pregnant the first time, then being kicked out and forced to grow up quick had stifled any kind of desire for a man in her life. Well, this could end quickly too once he found out she had a kid. “Uh, Mack, you’ll find out soon enough anyhow, but I have a daughter and she’s going to turn six on Christmas Eve. Just figured you might want to know because a lot of guys are not interested after they find that out and she’s the most important thing in my life.”
Sitting back, he took a good look at her–she was standing almost defensively as if she expected him to say something derogatory. “Look, I know you don’t know me, but here’s the thing, if you’re a package deal you’re a package deal. I’m okay with that, are you?”
Momentarily stunned because this was not how anyone else reacted, she could only stare at him. Those beautiful chocolate brown eyes showed interest, compassion and kindness. Holy hell. “Um, yeah, I’m okay with that, I just wanted you to know. I’ll…I’ll let you know what my schedule is, okay? I know the tree lighting is tomorrow night and I had planned to go there, would you like to go? We have a festival of sorts with booths and food and crafts; typical small-town stuff.”
Smiling, he reached out and grabbed hold of her hand. “Yeah, I’d like that, what time should I meet you?”
“How about four? Jade is already out of school and tonight is the last night of classes until January for me, so I had planned to do some Christmas shopping in the morning.”
“Four it is then. And Chessie? I look forward to it.”
“Me too.”
Heading to the kitchen area, she bumped Pam and motioned for her to follow her. In a few quick words, she told her what had happened and then had to slap her hand over her friend’s mouth when she went to squeal. “Shut up! Oh my gosh, girl! You’d think no guy had hit on me before!”
“Well, they have but someone has always turned them down! What’s different about this guy?”
“I don’t really know. He’s good looking in a rugged sort of way, but it’s the look in his eyes. Very kind, understanding eyes and he didn’t even flinch when I brought up Jade. You know she’s a deal-breaker for most of the chuckleheads around here.”
“Sweetie, that’s their loss then. You’re a helluva good mama to that little girl, and any man worth his salt wouldn’t care that you are a single mom!”
“The only reason I’m halfway good at it is because of you and Fran and your parents. God knows that my step-dad was a jackass and of course, he had my mom under his thumb so deep that she couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up to him for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Who would have thought that the two of us would get preggers and dumped? I am grateful to my folks, too, though, because hell, they had not only me, but you, throwing up all the time and crying. And then two little ones? Yep, we’re blessed, that’s for sure!”
Hearing the bell ding, they both headed back out into the diner, taking care of the customers who were finishing up and finding places for the new ones to sit. The three of them worked well together and she couldn’t wait to get Fran’s input on this guy.
Chapter Three
Done with classes for the day, Chessie hurried home so she could see Jade for a little while before her bath and bed.
“How’s my sweet girl tonight? Did you have a good day with Grandma Sadie?” she asked her daughter once she found her in the playroom. “Mama!” Jade shrieked as she ran into her arms. “We went Christmas shopping for you and Aunt Pam and Aunt Fran but it’s a ‘prise.”
Laughing at the little girl’s enthusiasm, she said, “Well, we don’t want to spoil it now, do we? I’m so glad you had fun today with Grandma Sadie and Sophie. Guess what we’re doing tomorrow afternoon?”
“Well, mama met a nice man today at work and he’s going to meet us at the festival and watch the Christmas tree lighting. And maybe, we can talk him into going over to the snow mountain play area because I know a little girl who wanted to go sledding.”
“A man, mama? Is it…is it my daddy?”
Sighing inside, because Jason had had nothing to do with the precious little girl, she said, “No sweetie, it’s not your daddy. I’m sorry he doesn’t come around, but I hope you know that it is not your fault at all! You’ve got so many people who love you–Aunt Pam, Aunt Fran, Grandma Sadie and Grandpa Sam, even your daddy’s parents–all love you and know you are a very special little girl!”
“Daddy just doesn’t know how to love, mama, that’s what is wrong with him. What is the man’s name we are meeting?”
“His name is Mack, but you’ll call him Mr. Mack to be respectful, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am. Mama, can we read a story from my princess book after my bath?”
Looking at her daughter’s sweet face, she said, “Absolutely. Do you want bubbles tonight?”
More shrieks hit her ears as Jade began doing the little dance she had learned at daycare. Most days, between the three women and the Thompsons, they didn’t have to use daycare for either of the girls, but right now, with school out and the diner busier due to the holiday traffic, Jade and Sophie had been there several days these past few weeks. Looking at the clock, she said, “Let’s get this stuff cleaned up so we can get in the tub, okay?”
Later that night, relaxing with a glass of wine and her kindle, she thought about the day. It was quiet tonight-Pam had gone out on a date with a guy she met at the diner-hmm, could they be getting serious? It had been almost two months already and he was the only one in the picture. She sure hoped so-Pam deserved a decent man, and Fran was pulling a double on the overnight shift. Sophie was still at her grandparent’s house, and Jade would go there in the morning so the girls could bake some Christmas cookies. Her thoughts wandered to the man she had met. Tall, rugged, handsome with dirty blond hair and those gorgeous brown eyes. A strong looking jaw with a hint of scruff. Not only had he piqued her interest, something that no one had done in years, he had left her a generous tip. She couldn’t wait to see him again the next day. Hearing the ping of her phone, she opened it to fin
d a text message.
Mack: Hey, it’s Mack. I wanted you to have my number. And, I also wanted to tell you how glad I was that I sat in your section today. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
Holy shit! It was him! Realizing he couldn’t see her and thanking God at the same time that he couldn’t see her, she answered.
Chessie: Hey. Thank you for your tip today! That was very generous and completely unexpected. I’m glad I met you today, too, and am looking forward to tomorrow as well! I forgot to tell you, but they have a section called snow mountain and I have a little girl who wants to do some sledding, so dress warm!
Wondering if she should tell him about Jade, she decided to throw caution to the wind. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
Chessie: About my daughter. She has Downs Syndrome. It’s one of the reasons I don’t really date. Most guys don’t want to be bothered. I wanted you to know because, well, I felt something when we met and if I’m being honest, I don’t want to get my hopes up for anything if it’s a problem.