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His Christmas Pixie Page 3

  Leaning back, she looked up and said, “Yeah. This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time, Mack. Thank you.”

  He couldn’t resist kissing her nose before he said, “Let’s see if we can beat these guys down the hill, yeah?” as he pushed off.

  Her laughter rang out, and the sound of her giggles went straight to his gut. He knew it was crazy but there was something about the woman in his arms that had him thinking of forever.

  A dozen or so treks up and down the hill later, the group decided to find some food before they headed to the tent to watch the tree lighting. It was a town tradition to do it two weeks before Christmas, even though the rest of the town was decorated to the nth degree. Heading into the food tent, they were trying to figure out what they wanted to eat when they heard, “Well, well, well, what a cozy looking group!” and turning, they saw a very drunk Jason, his arm slung around a skanky looking brunette. “Corrigan! Guess you liked what you saw in those pictures, huh?” He sneered as he said, “I would say ‘enjoy’ but it’s not that good, trust me.”

  Absolutely mortified, Chessie looked down, completely missing the looks of rage that came over the faces of the three men at the ugly things spewing out of Jason’s mouth. Pam and Fran, seeing her distress, moved closer to her, while Mack walked up to the inebriated man and said, “Really? You’ve got no call to say things like that about Chessie. None at all. In fact, this is a family event, so you showing up drunk off your ass shows the type of man you really are. Now, before you end up going back with a busted face, I suggest you leave. Now. Your presence is not wanted.” Turning back, he saw the dejected look on Chessie’s face, which did something to his heart. He walked over to her, letting Derek and Aaron deal with Jason, who was continuing his obnoxious spewing, and lifting her chin, he leaned in and quietly said, “Chessie? Look at me, sweetheart. I know he is a jackass and I don’t buy what he’s trying to sell, okay? I don’t know what’s happening with us, but today has been the best day of my life, and his words mean nothing.”

  Smiling slightly, she said, “I’m sorry, Mack. I wasn’t thinking about the fact that he would be here.”

  “Not your place to apologize, sweetheart. You’ve done nothing wrong. Now, let’s go get something to eat so we can find that little sprite,” he said before he kissed her forehead. Man, he couldn’t wait to claim her lips but now wasn’t the time or the place. Soon.

  Chapter Five

  Conversation over dinner was stilted at first, with the guys still angry at Jason’s intrusion and comments, and Chessie still embarrassed at how he denigrated her in front of Mack. Soon, though, as they started talking about Christmas, everyone loosened up and decided to enjoy the festivities.

  “So, Pixie-girl, what does that little sprite want Santa to bring her?” Mack asked.

  Laughing, she said, “What doesn’t she want him to bring? Actually, she only asked for two things–a live kitty cat and a baby doll.”

  “And is Santa going to deliver?”

  She looked at Pam, then said, “Yeah, because apparently she and Sophie both want live kitties and baby dolls this year, we decided to adopt two kittens from a local rescue. They’re holding them for us until next week. And Santa and his helpers, also known as Aunt Pam, Aunt Fran and me, will be redoing their playroom to put in a kitchen for them to ‘cook’ for us, and Mr. Thompson has built beds for their baby dolls. I have to finish crocheting the blankets for the dolls’ beds, and Aunt Fran is working on something special as well. They really don’t ask for much, and they’re both so good we can’t resist spoiling them a bit. With Jade’s birthday being on Christmas Eve, we don’t want her to feel short-changed, so we had her give us two lists.”

  “So this time of year is doubly special for her, then, huh?” he asked.

  “Yes. She loves that she shares her birthday with Jesus, and even though we’ve tried to tell her differently, she sticks to that story.”

  “You mentioned college, what are you majoring in?”

  “Well, I’m doing somewhat of a hybrid major. I need something that will allow me to work but be available for Jade if she’s sick, so I am taking the courses needed to be an editor, and also doing a graphic arts program.”

  “Don’t let her fool you. She’s damn good at what she does! She is already designing book covers for several authors, and is already editing for them as well,” Pam said.

  “Really? I bet that gives you the flexibility you need.”

  “It really does. And, because the three of us live together, I still have adult interaction. Plus, working at the diner, I get out.”

  Looking at her watch, Fran said, “We need to head on over if we’re going to be there in time to see the tree lit up. You know how the girls get!”

  Laughing, because those two girls loved Christmas and all it entailed, Chessie said, “Yeah, we better get a move on!”

  As they made their way through the crowd toward the tent that the Thompsons had set up, Mack grabbed Chessie’s hand and pulled her close to him. “You okay, Pixie-girl?”

  “Yeah. Actually I am, now. Thanks for sticking up for me earlier, Mack.”

  “My pleasure.”

  They heard the girls before they saw them, then had to stop as two little girls came barreling out to their mothers, giggling and laughing. Shouts of mommy and mama were heard by the group, as Sophie and Jade both tried to tell them everything they had done since leaving them. “Girls, girls, one at a time! It sounds like you’ve had some cookies, dinner, and got to see Santa?”

  Jade looked at her mom and said, “Yes, Mama! Santa said he knew I was a special little girl and that since my birthday was the same night as he came, I would probably get what I asked him for this year! Can you believe it?”

  Smiling down at the face that was so precious to her, she said, “Yeah, pumpkin, I can believe it. You were my best Christmas present ever!”

  Mack smiled at the picture they made, with Chessie crouched down in front of her daughter and Jade’s arms wrapped around her mother’s neck. They were forehead to forehead and nose to nose and without thinking twice, he pulled out his phone and took a couple of pictures. He knew it was early days and that Chessie had no clue how he was feeling, but he had an idea for a special gift for them.

  “Ah, there you all are! We wondered if you were going to make it in time,” Sam said. “Boys, we’ve got plenty of places to sit, and if you want chairs, we can run over to the diner and grab some chairs.”

  “Dad, we’ll do what we’ve always done, sit on the blankets on the ground. I know you brought the air mattress so we’ll be fine, right y’all?” Fran asked.

  With everyone agreeing, they quickly chose their spots, Mack pulling Chessie to sit in front of him. Once they were settled, Jade climbed onto her mother’s lap. He could feel the contentment flowing through him and felt that he had finally come home.

  Chapter Six

  Damn, she liked being held by him! And, she knew she was affecting him if the warmth she felt pressing against her ass and low back was any indication. Holy hell. He was apparently big all over! Nope. Not going there.

  “What’re you thinking about, Pixie-girl?”

  Oh hell. Hoping that the colder air hid her blush, she said, “Um, nothing much, really.”

  He chuckled; he had felt her tense up and knew that despite his best efforts, she could feel his erection pressing into her. “Well, I’ve never been told it’s nothing much, sweetheart, so this is a first for me!”

  Realizing he was teasing her, she leaned her head back and grinned. “I was thinking about how safe and secure I feel being held in your arms. And how that makes no sense because we just met. Other than that, I’m not saying!”

  “Ah, she gets sassy, eh?”

  “Perhaps. Feisty sometimes, too,” she said, grinning.

  Yeah, he’d like to have her all feisty. In his bed. Damn, now he was harder than he was before, if that was possible.

  “You okay back there, Mack? You’re squirming a bit.

  Leaning in and nipping her earlobe, he whispered, “Just thinking about how I like your feistiness and can’t wait to have it in my bed.”

  Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. He couldn’t really say that to her now, could he? And, wait a minute! Why was she entertaining those thoughts? She hadn’t been physically interested in anyone since Jason. Not a blip. Not a jot. Nothing. Yet this man came into her life a day ago and she was thinking about it with him? Yep. Off the deep end.

  “I…I’m not sure what to say to that, Mack! I mean, I’ve…that is…isn’t this moving kind of fast?” There. She’d said it. Put it out there.

  “Maybe on one level, yes. But not on another. Can I tell you a story? My parents met when he stopped to help her change her tire. They were married within six weeks of meeting and were married for almost thirty years when they died.”

  “Wow. Well, I think the Thompsons were the same way.”

  “So, it can happen that fast.”

  Right before she was going to respond, she saw their mayor head to the podium for his annual speech. She shared a look with Pam and Fran, wondering if this year he would change it up a bit.

  “Hello, friends and neighbors and thank you for coming to this year’s Christmas tree lighting,” the major started.

  Nope. He was going down the same road he always did, thanking the local businesses for their donations, the townspeople for their support in the last election, and putting in a plug for snow mountain, which would stay up until winter ended. After his ten-minute spiel, she nudged Jade and said, “C’mon, sweetie, we need to stand up! It’s almost time.”

  Mack helped them both up, then had Jade giggling and Chessie’s heart falling fast when he scooped the little girl up and onto his shoulders.

  “Oh! Thank you Mr. Mack! Now I can see everything!”

  Sophie, seeing her friend up on Mr. Mack’s shoulder, looked at Derek, who scooped her up and put her on his shoulders. With the two women standing in front of their “men”, and Fran cuddled into Aaron, they watched the tree lighting while the local high school band played a medley of Christmas carols.

  “Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful,” Chessie breathed out.

  Leaning down, Mack whispered in her ear, “Yes. Yes, you are.”

  Chapter Seven

  Once the lighting was done, the adults pitched in to get everything put up and take the tent down.

  “Um, Mack, I need to go to my car and get Jade’s bag. She’s going to spend the night over at the Thompsons.”

  “Okay. I’ll go with you because I don’t want you walking by yourself.”

  As they walked to her car, she was thinking about their afternoon. It had been a great time, one of the best ones she had ever had. Reaching her car, she unlocked it then grabbed Jade’s bag and favorite stuffed animal, a penguin. “We’ll just meet over at the diner; they gave the girls a light snack but will feed them dinner now. Is that okay?”

  “Spend more time with you? Yes, that’s absolutely fine with me,” he responded, taking the bag from her and slinging it over his shoulder while he grabbed her other hand.

  Reaching the diner, they entered and immediately found everyone. The diner was open twenty-four hours a day, and it seemed that others had had the same idea. Thankfully, there was a family only section, which the Thompsons had added several years back, so they had no waiting. Seeing how busy the place was, Chessie wondered if perhaps she and the girls should offer to help. But she didn’t want to ask, because if the answer was “yes” she was afraid she might cry.

  “Girls, I know it’s busy in here tonight, but all three of you are off. The only thing you’re allowed to do is go get our drinks, okay?” Sam said, after he saw the looks the three women had exchanged. “We appreciate everything the three of you do to help us keep this place going, but y’all deserve some relaxation and tonight’s the night! Now tomorrow morning is a totally different story,” he laughed.

  “Thanks, dad.”

  “Thanks Mr. Thompson.”

  “Chessie, love, you should know by now to call us Mom and Dad or Sam and Sadie. When you say, ‘Mr. Thompson’ I swear I look for my own father!”

  Blushing slightly, she nodded and said, “Yes, sir. I mean, dad.”

  As the girls got the drink orders and went to the back to get those together, Mack took the opportunity to ask Derek and Aaron about Jason. “Is he always like that around her? How can he treat the mother of his child like that?”

  Derek answered for the two of them. “She may or may not tell you, but he denied that Jade was his, and she had to go through hell to get anything from him for that sweet little girl. And yes, ever since she came up pregnant, he’s been an absolute ass towards her. He has been banned from the diner completely, and if it weren’t for the fact his folks are genuinely nice people, I think someone would have beaten him to death. She’s a good girl and didn’t deserve the hand she was dealt.”

  “Ah, but she’s shown them all,” Aaron piped in. “She graduated near the top of her class, and even knowing that Jade would be born with Downs, she chose to continue the pregnancy. Her step-dad, and by proxy her mom, disowned her completely. Yet here she is, almost done with college, working her ass off here, and raising that little girl.”

  Mack sat back and thought about what they had just shared. He had the distinct impression that there had been no one since Jason, which would explain her hesitancy and fear about how fast things seemed to be moving with the two of them. He would have to show her he was in it for the long haul, not just a piece of ass.

  About that time, the girls came back with their drinks, along with some bread and dipping sauce. “We hope no one minds, but we figured it would be easier to order the pasta for everyone,” Fran said. “If anyone wants something different, let me know and I’ll run back into the kitchen and change the order.”

  With everyone agreeing that pasta was fine, Pam asked who wanted salad and then the three girls went off again to get the salads fixed up and brought out to the table.

  Looking down the table, Mack said, “Sam? I thought the girls were ‘off’ tonight?”

  Sam looked around and started laughing. “Y’know, they do this same thing every time we come in as a family to eat! And, it just dawned on me that they did it again. Sneaky women.”

  Over dinner, the group talked and laughed, with the two little girls chattering excitedly about what they hoped Santa would bring them. As they finished up, Fran looked around and asked about dessert, then before anyone could say yes or no, darted to the kitchen and brought out a death by chocolate cake.

  “Mmm, my favorite,” Chessie murmured.

  “Yeah, girl, I know. We make several every day and if memory serves, you have a piece every day,” Pam said.

  “That’s right, tell all my secrets! Just you wait, missy,” Chessie joked. “Derek, anything you wanna know, just ask me or Fran, we’ll fill you in, okay?”

  “What? Wait a minute now, if we’re spilling secrets…”

  “You wouldn’t dare! Okay, okay, I’ll behave. For now.”

  Mack watched Chessie with great interest. Whatever Pam was going to share had her blushing. As the group finished up, the girls cleaned the table as best as possible despite Sam’s protests. “Look, Dad, the least we can do is try and lighten up their load. They’re slammed out there and it’s not fair for us, the owners and friends, to come in and leave them with a mess,” Fran said. “Besides, we take pride in this place, it’s ours too, and knowing we can help our employees out, even a little bit, means a lot to us.”

  “Yeah, Dad, leave your girls alone!” Chessie said, as she gathered up plates and silverware.

  “Chessie, I think that’s the first time you’ve called me that, sweetheart. Means more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Well, you have been a dad to me these past six years. I don’t remember my real dad and we all know that my step-dad wasn’t one to me, unless a dad treats his child like an indentured servant, so it’s time, don
’t you think?” Chessie said, dropping a kiss on the top of Sam’s head as she walked by. She didn’t expect him to stand up and draw her into a hug, and she definitely didn’t expect to hear what he said next.

  “Sweetheart, from the first time you came into my daughters’ lives, I’ve loved you like you were my own. Sadie has as well. You are as much our daughter as Pam and Fran are, and that little girl is our granddaughter, just like Sophie.”

  Feeling the tears threaten, Chessie looked up at him and said, “Thank you. I love you both so very much and am grateful that I have you guys in my corner.”