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Her Kinsman-Redeemer Page 4
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Standing, she followed Zeke into the clubhouse and to his office. She noticed once again how tall he was and admired his salt and pepper hair which was reminiscent of Sam Elliott’s in the movie “Roadhouse”. Shaking her head at her musings, she sat down and waited for him to speak.
“Okay, I won’t take much of your time today, but wanted you to have a bit of a heads up regarding the mess you were taking over,” he said.
“I know from Dex that your former accountant did some skimming. He told you I hold forensics computer certifications on my license, didn’t he?”
He looked at her stunned. “No, he didn’t mention that. What does it mean exactly?”
“I should, hopefully, be able to trace where and how he skimmed and then put checks and balances in place, so it won’t happen again,” she responded.
He nodded, even though what she said still sounded like Greek to him. “Okay, well, we have several businesses owned by Heaven’s Sinners MC. We’ve got a twenty-room motel, a pizza parlor, a beauty shop, a daycare, and a bar and grill,” he told her.
“So, five businesses in all?”
“Well, actually six. We’ve got the garage as well. For some reason, nothing has been making money for a few months and that’s what led us to finding out that he was stealing from us. I don’t hold out any hopes that we’ll see what he stole, but I’d like to get my Brothers back on track with regards to what they were earning.”
She looked over the stack of files that he had handed her, one for each business. At first glance, it looked like they used one master checking account, which was a no-no when it came to allocating the funds properly. Glancing back at him, she said, “Okay, I know I’m going furniture shopping tomorrow, but it won’t take all day, so I may start going over some of this tomorrow if that’s okay?”
He looked at her in stunned disbelief. “Are you sure? Tuesday is soon enough.”
“Well, it looks like you have one master checking account that you were paying all of the businesses’ bills out of and that won’t do. You need a separate account for each business with an account for the MC that monies from each can be transferred into to pay the Brothers. It’s how I set it up in South Georgia and it has checks and balances to keep what happened to you from happening. Each of the five businesses there are all earning a profit and while I’ve not looked closely, the size of the town here appears to be about the same as there, so it would stand to reason you should be as well.”
He sat back, again stunned by the words coming out of her mouth. He had suspected that the accountant was lying when he said one account would work for all the businesses since they were run by the MC, but what she said made more sense. The items for the garage were large ticket usually, and it should have been pulling in a lot of money even with the initial outlays they sometimes made against parts. “Okay, if you want to do that, feel free to do so. I’m still clearing Tuesday so we can go over this together and come up with a plan, okay?”
“Okay. Do you think before we jump into the paperwork you could take me around to the businesses so I could meet the managers? I think while we’re trying to get this all straightened out that some of the reins need to be pulled back some.”
“In what way?”
“I think that until I can make heads or tails out of what has happened and see if I can find the missing monies so that they can hopefully be returned, all invoices, bills and payables should be handled by me. Once we get new accounts set up for each business, we can set up vendor accounts with each vendor that the business uses with a capped limit that must be approved by whoever you appoint. By meeting with the managers alongside you, hopefully you can make them understand that this is most likely temporary until we get everything fixed and back on track.”
At that, he smiled. She didn’t realize it, but she was already aligning herself with his chapter and the word loyalty flitted through his mind.
Man, he was handsome but when he smiled? Off the charts gorgeous she thought before mentally shaking her head at her musings. She was there for a new start and that didn’t include looking for an old man. She had had one of those and needed to be content with her lot in life.
“Okay, let’s do that then. I’ll come by and pick you up around eight o’clock Tuesday morning, you can drop your girls off at the daycare, and then we’ll grab some breakfast before I take you on the grand tour,” he said.
“Um…how much does daycare run?”
“Angelina, you’ll get a discount because you work for the MC and you’re a part of the family. Plus, I know that most days, you’ll keep your girls with you, correct?” he asked her.
“Yes, unless that’s a problem?”
“Not a problem for me so long as the work gets done,” he told her.
“That shouldn’t be an issue at all, but I’m glad to have use of the daycare initially because I suspect I’ll need uninterrupted time while I dig.”
“Then we have a plan. Now, c’mon, let’s return to the rest of the group and relax, okay?”
“Okay. Thanks again, Zeke. For everything.”
He looked down at her and said, “My pleasure, Angelina.”
Chapter Six
Waking up the next morning, Angelina looked at the clock and realized she was up early enough to have some quiet time. It was rare because the girls kept her busy, but she tried to squeeze in a daily devotional whenever possible. She no longer felt any guilt because she didn’t spend hours in prayer or reading. God knew the hand she had been dealt and He had to realize she was doing the best that she could.
An hour later, with her bladder telling her that her time was up, she closed her bible and got up to face the day. Going through her morning routine, she dressed comfortably knowing that with Renda, shopping was often a marathon event and comfort was key. As she made her bed and straightened things up, she heard the giggles of her daughters and smiled. Laser, I wish you could see them she thought for the gazillionth time.
“Are you sure this is the store?” she asked Renda for the fifth time. “It seems a little much just for me, don’t you think?”
Eva spoke up from the backseat where she was playing with the girls, saying, “Yes, this is the store. No, it isn’t too much. Now c’mon, I have some ideas and want to see if we’re on the same page or if I completely misread you!”
Walking through the store just holding her purse felt strange, however with Renda taking one and Eva the other, she decided to enjoy just being. A sales clerk headed in their direction, smiling when she saw Eva. “Eva! How are you? How’s Preacher? What can we help you with today?”
Eva took a few seconds to answer her questions before finally saying, “June, this is Angelina Jones, she’s MC family and has just relocated here from our South Georgia chapter. We need living and family room furniture.”
June looked over at Angelina as if to size her up before asking, “Are these two cuties yours? I ask because that will help determine the fabric for clean-ups.”
“They are mine but I’m a bit old school and they aren’t allowed to wander the house with food or drink.”
“Ah, a wise mom, that’s for sure,” June responded. “Come this way, do you have any idea what you want?”
Angelina looked at Renda and said, “I didn’t even think to get the room measurements! Dang it all. Uh, June, I don’t want it to look overcrowded. I’d love either a chaise at the end of a couch or a recliner at the end of a couch. The girls and I enjoy cuddling and watching movies on the weekends.”
Eva spoke up before June could and said, “June, it’s the house over off Main Street, I think the flooring department took care of that so you might have the room dimensions on file.”
“I know which house it is and yes, we do. Give me a minute to go hunt them down while you browse, okay?” she asked as she headed toward the office.
As she looked around, she tried to visualize what she wanted. While the furniture she and Laser had was okay, it had belonged to him and w
as typical male-dark, heavy, leather-and she wanted light and airy to fit the feel she got from the house. Coming around a corner, her breath caught as she saw what she had been thinking of in her mind’s eye. A couch with a chaise on the one end covered in a durable fabric that would hold up against two little girls’ climbing, a loveseat with coordinating pillows, and what she always called a “big momma” recliner-one that was wide enough to fit her and two little girls. “Renda? Eva? What do you think of this one for the family room?” she asked.
Both women came up alongside her and looked at the set. “I like it,” Renda finally declared. “It suits you and your personality, sweetie.”
“I like it as well and think it will fit in the family room with room to spare,” Eva said.
“Okay, ladies…ah, I see you found our cottage dream set! I was going to recommend it based on the room size because it will fit nicely while still allowing some floor space for your two cuties to play!” June said, having come back with the room dimensions.
“Then it’s settled. I’ll take this one. What about lamps? I’m not crazy about the ones used,” Angelina asked.
“They come with the set but can be swapped for ones of your choice. Let’s go look over here to see what you’d prefer,” June told the women, leading them through to another section where lamps were prominently displayed. A lively discussion once again ensued until they finally agreed on two table lamps and a floor lamp that would go behind the recliner.
Another room, more furniture chosen for the “formal” living room, and they were done with a delivery date and time set up for later in the week. Eva took out her phone and texted Preacher, saying, “I’ll let him know so he can have a few Brothers available to move things around.”
“Thank you, Eva. I know the delivery guys usually do that but it makes it easier to have it done all at once,” Angelina said. “Now, I had a list of things I needed to get, can you get us to the local department store before we have to feed the girls? I figure we’ve got maybe two hours before their behavior starts to deteriorate.”
Later that afternoon, shopping done, Dex and Renda headed back to South Georgia, and the girls down for their nap, Angelina went into her new home office. She picked up the first folder and soon found herself immersed in numbers as she worked to create spreadsheets and a viable plan that would help them get back on track. Three folders in, she found the first discrepancy and made a note of it and then started to trail it back, deciding to find where the monies had gone.
When she heard the girls stirring, she backed up her computer and marked the folder she was working on because once they went down for the evening, she was going to see if she could go further.
“Hi my babies! Let’s go potty and then go outside and play for a bit before dinner, okay?” she asked her daughters.
As they giggled through their bathroom routine, she thought about how fortunate she had been with them both. Even though she had been alone during the pregnancy save for Dex and Renda and some of the other old ladies she had been close to, it had been a relatively easy one and both girls were easygoing and well-behaved for their age. Grabbing them snacks and juices along with a bottle of water, she herded them out the back door where they immediately took off toward their new playhouse. Shaking her head, she pulled a chair down and got out her phone so she could snap pictures of them as they played.
An hour later, she called a halt to their playtime, eliciting a few complaints but not many because they were hungry. Getting them washed up and into their chairs, she dished up the spaghetti she had made earlier in the day and sat down to eat. Hearing the doorbell, she put her fork down and said, “Be good, girls and stay at the table while Momma goes to see who is at the door, okay?” Receiving nods, she headed to the front door and was surprised to see Zeke standing on the porch.
Opening the door, she looked up saying, “Hey, Zeke. Is everything okay?”
“Uh yeah, was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop in to see how you made out today while shopping.”
“Well come in, I’ve got the girls at the table eating spaghetti.”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt dinner…” he started to say.
“You didn’t…that is, we just sat down. Would you like some? There’s plenty.”
Kind wafted across his soul. “That would be great if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” she said as she held the door wider. “What would you like to drink?”
“Whatever you have is fine.”
“Beer, water, soda?”
“Water works for me. Too late in the day for more caffeine and I don’t like to drink when I’m on my bike.”
Dang, she had been in her own little world if she hadn’t heard a bike she thought. Back in the kitchen, she dished up a plate of spaghetti for him and got him silverware and a bottle of water before sitting back down. The girls, thrilled with an audience, were both jabbering away and she watched as he smiled and nodded at them even though a lot of what they said was gibberish.
“Preacher said you found what you were looking for this morning. Any problems?”
“No, none. Eva knew the salesclerk and she was very helpful in the whole process. Since I’m not big on shopping, it worked well for me!” she told him.
“You don’t like shopping?”
“Eh, not so much. I don’t mind shopping online but going with two toddlers makes it challenging at times and they get tired and cranky being cooped up in a stroller or in a cart. I’ll probably shop more with them once they’re older, and use the times when I take them to daycare to grab things I need for the house,” she replied.
Over dinner, he told her a little more about what their chapter was involved in and was surprised when she volunteered to help with the local orphanage. “Why?” he finally asked.
“Why not? There aren’t enough good families to take kids in but every child deserves to have someone in their corner, loving them and teaching them and cheering them on. If I can do that in some capacity, well, then it makes it all worthwhile. Has…has anyone ever thought about becoming foster parents to these children? They do so much better in an actual home versus a group home.”
He stopped and looked at her. Here she was, a single mother with two toddlers and she was worried about other children? Before he could say anything in response, she continued, saying, “Because if not, maybe we can approach the administration to find out how to make that happen.”
“I like that idea and will bring it to Church to see if other Brothers and their families might be on board before we approach them. I think you’re right and even our single Brothers could possibly assist with the older kids.”
“They’re usually the ones harder to place. I should know,” she said.
That’s right, she had come out of the foster care system he thought. He suspected based on what little he did know that her memories weren’t all that great, but he wasn’t going to press the issue. Looking at the clock, he realized he needed to head out to pick Thad up from practice and said as much.
“Do you want to take some for him?” she asked, already up and looking for a plastic container. “I can never make just a little bit and there’s more than enough even for a starving teenage boy.”
He laughed at her description of Thad-he was all that and more and seemed to have a hollow leg. “Seeing as he’s running cross country and they’ve got a meet tomorrow, that would be perfect. He tries to eat more carbs the day or two before a race for energy.”
“Then it’s settled,” she said handing him a plastic container filled with enough spaghetti to feed his boy. “I hope he does well. Do we need to postpone tomorrow so you can watch him run?”
“No, we don’t need to postpone it-he doesn’t run until six tomorrow evening so we will have time to work and I’ll still be able to make it,” he told her.
“Okay, just checking. I know I’d want to be there so forgive me if I presumed incorrectly,” she softly sa
He reached out and tucked an errant strand behind her ear, not knowing why he did so, before he said, “I try to never miss a meet. In fact, most of the Brothers come out and cheer him on which is kind of funny seeing as most of the other parents are in khakis and polo shirts, and the Brothers are in their jeans, T-shirts and cuts.”
She started giggling and then outright laughing as the visual came. “Oh I can only imagine!”
“It’s not too bad here in town because folks know us and Who and what we represent, but the out of town meets? Yeah, that’s a little more challenging and we usually take our cuts off before we get there so we don’t scare off the general population.”
“That’s a shame that people are so judgmental.”
“It can’t be helped, Angelina. It’s just how most folks are hard-wired.”
She looked up at him and he saw the sadness lurking deep in her eyes. “I wish it wasn’t like that though. It can play hell on a person’s sense of self-worth.”
“Yes it can,” he replied as he opened the front door. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, yeah? Make sure you lock up.”
“Thanks for stopping by, Zeke. See you in the morning.”
Chapter Seven
As he waited for Thad to come out of the locker room, he mentally replayed the conversations he had already had with Angelina. The words kindness, grace, and loyalty came to mind once again as he thought about the things she had said and how she had interacted with his Brothers and their families. He huffed out a breath as he shook his head over his musings. It had been a long time since he had felt any interest in a woman. He hadn’t been celibate but also hadn’t wanted a relationship with anyone-choosing to take care of his needs as impersonally as possible. Meeting her, however, had stirred up feelings he had thought were long buried. He still didn’t know why he hadn’t just called her earlier. No, like some love-struck kid, he had gone over to her house. Yet, despite his interruption on her evening, not only had she let him in but she had fed him! The truck door opening had him looking at his son who was climbing in and tossing his duffel bag into the back seat.