Old Ladies Club Book 3: Rebel Guardians MC (The Old Ladies Club) Read online

Page 10

  “Grim, I’m done out here and need to get over to my brother’s house,” I call out so he knows that I need the kids now.

  “We’re comin’,” he calls back, walking into the living room with Alexa clinging to his back and Zander clinging to his legs. “Do you need me to help you get them over there?”

  “No. We should be okay. Do you need anything else from here before we lock it up?”

  “Nope. I have whatever you packed, the tools and equipment from the clubhouse, and anythin’ else we’ll just buy if we have to,” he responds, leaning down and giving me a kiss before following me out the door.

  “You might want to say something to my brother about his woman,” I tell him, taking Alexa from him and placing her on my hip for the walk next door.

  Grim watches us until we’ve disappeared on the path leading from our house to Skylar, Cage, and Joker’s house. I can already hear the chaos and see kids running around through the side yard as we get to the opening. Poor Goose has the task of trying to make sure that they’re all behaving and not getting into the bags and suitcases that are already sitting outside to be loaded in one of the trailers. The guys all decided that it would be easier to leave from here, so once everything is loaded, the SUV is getting parked on the road out front of the house and whatever prospect is driving has to come help the rest of us here.

  “Where’s Skylar?” I ask Goose, trying hard not to laugh at him as Tank’s boys climb all over him. They’re trying to take him down and if the rest of the boys join in, they’ll have Goose in no time.

  “In the house. She’s multi-tasking I guess. Sami and Whitney are trying to help her and Melody and Maddie are on their way over. Alexa and Zander are good out here with me,” he responds, trying to regain his balance as Zander decides he needs to help the triplets out.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, truly struggling now to contain the laughter. “It looks like you have your hands full.”

  “I’m good. Jameson just ran over to get Anthony so they’ll help when they get back. These monkeys don’t have anythin’ on me though,” Goose tells me, laughing as the triplets momentarily pause in their antics to take him down.

  If I stand out here any longer, I’m not going to be able to help my sister-in-law out because I’ll be laughing too much. So, I leave the kids in Goose’s capable hands while I make my way inside to help the three women already here. When I get in the kitchen, I stop dead in my tracks at the chaos going on in here. There are mounds of clothes lining the couch and floor in front of it, the suitcases and bags are laying open in front of them, the kitchen looks like bags of flour and sugar exploded, and Skylar looks like she’s losing her mind.

  Snapping out of my momentary daze, I head straight for the living room to begin packing the clothes up. Skylar has piles laid out for all of them already so it’s just a matter of packing them up. Moving as quick as I can, I look at Sky and see the gratitude on her face as Whitney, Sami, and her pack up the goodies in the kitchen. I know that some of them are being put in all the SUVs and the rest are going to different organizations for last minute donations before we take off.

  “What else do you have to do?” I ask as I finish loading up the last bag with clothes.

  “Honestly, now, the only thing that’s left is Sami dropping these off and grabbing the money, packing up some toys and games for the kids, and loading everything up. I’ve already got the snacks separated and ready to put in the cars,” she responds, sitting down after grabbing a cold glass of water.

  “Okay. Well, you sit there and Whitney and I will grab the toys while you take a minute for yourself. In fact, why don’t you go grab your shower while we finish up? We’ll make sure the guys get everything loaded,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and pushing her toward the staircase.

  Whitney and I finish everything up with the help of Melody and Maddie in the time that it takes Sky to jump in the shower. She’s coming down as we’re moving the last of the bags to the porch for Tank and Cage to load in the trailer before we take off. The only thing we’re waiting on is Sami to get back and she just sent her mom a message that she’d be here in five minutes or less.

  Cage and Joker tell us all who’s riding with who and I’m grateful that I get to ride with Skylar and Keira. Most of the kids are riding in a big van that Grim rented for the trip so we can take a few less cars with us. We pile in our designated SUV and wait in the line that we’ve formed down the back road between the clubhouse and Skylar’s.


  We’ve been in the SUV for a few hours now and I’ve enjoyed being able to sit back and relax. The girls have kept me distracted by telling me stories about the kids and Bailey got laughing so hard as she was trying to tell us about Goose almost being taken out by Shawn, Brax, and Chance as she was walking up. Goose, who’s driving us, pipes in telling us all that they did manage to get him to his knees once Zander joined in the fun. Alexa stood close with Haley and Zoey watching the fun. None of the girls dared to join in though.

  “We’re gonna be stoppin’ at the next station. The guys need fuel and figured the kids could stretch their legs. You can do what you need to do,” Goose tells us after a little while longer.

  “Sounds good. Do you know how much longer until we get there?” I ask, wanting to get the long drive over with so I can see my kids and men.

  “We’ll find out when we stop. I’m not exactly sure how long the drive is,” he answers.

  I nod my head and sit back in the seat, allowing my body to finally relax. Before I know it, my eyes are drifting shut and I can feel the strong pull of sleep. Bailey and Keira have quieted down and asked for the radio to be turned on low. They want me to sleep and I finally give up the fight.

  I blink open my eyes as I jolt awake. I’m not sure what woke me up, or how long I’ve actually been sleeping. Looking around, I see Bailey, Keira, and Goose are shutting their doors. Mine opens up to reveal Cage and Joker standing there, looking at me with faces full of concern.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, my voice sleep-filled and husky.

  “We’re worried about you, baby girl,” Cage answers me, reaching out to pull me into his arms.

  “Why?” I ask, confused.

  “You fell asleep just before we stopped and didn’t wake up when we got to the gas station. Goose stayed out in the SUV with you while we ate and you didn’t even stir. You feelin’ okay?” he asks again.

  “Holy shit! I knew I was tired, but I didn’t think I fell asleep for that long,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him and burrowing into his hard body.

  “Yeah. We’re stopping for the night so that the kids can sleep in beds. I’m not sure if you’re goin’ to be able to go back to sleep, but you obviously need to,” Joker tells me, pulling me from Cage’s arms to go into his.

  “I’m going to go back to sleep I guess. I’m sorry I’ve been worrying you all. I’ve just had so much on my plate and I’m learning that I’m not superwoman. I need help,” I tell them, looking at them both so that they can both see that I’m serious.

  “Good. Now let’s get a room and get the kids settled,” Cage responds, shutting my door and walking us toward the office of the small hotel they picked to stop in for the night.

  It doesn’t take us long to get the kids in bed before we climb in ourselves and let sleep claim us. I’m surprised that I fell back asleep, but I need it and it’s taken this trip to show me that I can’t keep doing this shit to my body. It’s crying out for relief and I need to start asking for help.



  I see a couple of SUVs coming up the driveway followed by several bikes. “We have some arrivals!” I holler before rushing out the front door to greet them. I hear heavy feet pounding behind me and know that the girls are right on my heels. We’ve all been anxiously checking windows to see them when they pull up. “Let’s not act like we are barbarians here, let’s let them get out and stretch their legs before we go in for the attack,” I remind them. Du
e to our excitement, I can see Lizzie going in and wrapping her arms around each and every one of them individually. She feels a kinship to them, and they’ve accepted her, and helped her out, through some trying times with Ashton. They gave her some outstanding advice and stood beside her as she found her place within the club and members.

  One SUV pulls up and parks to the left with the bikes following them. Another couple of SUVs pull up hauling trailers behind them, they then pull to the right and I notice one of the trailers that was being pulled is loaded down with several bikes. Usually when that happens, the prospects are driving so that the Ol’ ladies can pay attention to the children and keep everything copasetic. This doesn’t seem to be the case with these, I have to stifle a giggle when I notice all of the women are in one SUV and the prospects are loaded down with the kids in another. I heard from Skylar and Bailey earlier this morning and they have a longer haul than the others but will be here today and I am jumping on the inside from glee at the prospect of getting to hug and speak in person to each and every one of them. I don’t know which side to go and assist first, but I hear Lizzie and Ashton come to the door and tell us they’ll help the ones on the right since they seemed to bring the largest haul. I head to the others and know right away that this must be Vanna and Jenalyn due to the commentary coming out of their mouths about being lost along the way and something about the stupid GPS choosing its own location. She looks up from her seat in the driver's side and smiles at me.

  “Hi, ladies. I’m Rainey,” I introduce myself, “and I’m going to help you with whatever you need to get out of the vehicle. Our prospects are out back getting chairs set up so we can hang out there later this evening when everything cools off. If you think we’ll need them I can run back and grab one of them.” I point behind me over my shoulder with my thumb stuck out.

  Vanna and Jenalyn stop fussing at each other long enough to introduce themselves and I’m happy to see I got who it was right. I just knew, in my gut that that’s who these two were. We may have only spoken online and a couple of phone conversations through private chats...you know, where you can press that phone icon and speak with them, but I’ve learned enough about them to feel like I already know them on a more personal and deep level. They are extraordinary women and I’m happy to be able to call them my friends.

  “Rainey! Hi! You’re so gorgeous, look at you! Love the ink on your body! I’m Savanna by the way,” she tells me excitedly as she steps out of the vehicle and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Hey, thank you, my sisters have done all of my work, we run a tattoo parlor together. We took over once my father and uncle passed away and I love what we do. You’ve got some great work yourself! I love your back piece, is that your club’s logo? I love the mix of colors and detail work!” I respond. Savanna, or Vanna as we all know her as, is beautiful and I can feel the positive energy flowing from her.

  A slightly taller, yet still slender, beautiful woman with chestnut-colored hair approaches me from the other side and extends her hand. Ah, this must be Jenalyn. “Hi, Rainey. I’m Jenalyn, and yes, girl, your ink is fucking awesome! This is Sidney,” she tells me as she turns her gaze from me and looks over her shoulder.

  “Hi, Sidney, it’s great to meet you!” I exclaim.

  She, too, extends her hand and not the welcoming embrace that Savanna gave me. “Hi, Rainey. Dr. Sidney Cole. Pleasure to meet you,” she tells me, and I’m momentarily taken aback by her professional demeanor.

  I notice Jenalyn tap Sidney on the shoulder and look at her like, ‘really?’ and I stifle yet another giggle wanting to come out because these three remind me so much of my biological sisters, Ariel and Emory. I have a feeling this is going to be such a blast! Maybe I won’t be missing them quite as much as I thought I would. “Do I need to go get our prospects, or do yours have it covered?” I ask, looking at Jenalyn because I know she’s their pseudo leader. I’ve noticed the women sort of look to her for direction, either that, or they’re waiting to see what’s going to come out of her mouth next, either would be correct since I’ve spoken with Vanna and Jenalyn on several occasions. Vanna is more laid back and tries to stay positive and Jenalyn likes to be in control at all times. This is just my assumption from my end of the spectrum. But I have a feeling that I’m correct in my assessment. Jenalyn is still shooting Sidney a dirty look and I try to come up with something witty to say to break the tension, but luckily Lizzie comes to my rescue by running over and squealing out. “Jenalyn! It’s me, Lizzie!” I see a slight smile come across Jenalyn’s face and see that even though she’s acting tough she’s having a hard time not showing the same amount of excitement that Lizzie is. Those two have had several hour long conversations over the phone and are as close as two sisters can be.

  “You must definitely be Lizzie!” Jenalyn exclaims as she wraps her long slender arms around Lizzie’s neck. She loops her arm through Lizzie’s and they begin to walk away from us and toward the front of the resort. She turns her head over her shoulder briefly to tell me, “Oh, you see those two hooligans that rode in behind us? They’ll bring our stuff in. Thank you.”

  “Was that our dismissal?” I ask Sidney and Vanna, and the three of us burst out into laughter. We attempt to help unload the vehicle and are brushed aside so instead we start heading inside, along with the women from the other SUV and a bunch of kids. The room is full of women, kids, both young and teenagers, as well as the prospects and patch members that were sent with each group. I notice only one prospect with Jenalyn, Vanna and Sidney, the other one was flying a full member patch. They finish bringing in luggage and other items.

  “She must really adore Lizzie,” Vanna tells me. “I’ve never in my entire existence seen Jenalyn give another human being a hug upon meeting for the first time. It’s always a handshake filled with hesitation.” Lizzie has that effect on people, so it doesn't surprise me that Jenalyn feels that connection with her either.

  I cast my eyes to Sidney who’s sipping from a freezer blast cup. After she finishes her drink, she replies, “Truer words were never spoken. I’ve only ever seen her show affection to her mother, man, and children. Sometimes I wonder if she’s made of stone. She’s a hard ass for sure, not to be won over easily.”

  We show each of the ladies to their rooms and shortly after come back downstairs for formal introductions. “I’m DJ, these two here,” she points to two teenagers, “need to be watched, they like to sneak off for a little alone time of their own, and my old man and her dad will skin us alive if they go any further than holding hands and a small peck here or there.” I laugh because I can’t help but think of Trevor and how he’d act if he had a girl here with him. He chose to stay behind and help the men and I was okay with that since I was unsure if there’d be anyone here in the same age range as him.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply, “I’m Rainey, it’s great to meet you in person.” She and I exchange pleasantries and notice that the room is buzzing with activity as everyone gets to know one another. Cara comes up and introduces herself and we start talking about my ink and the parlor. They both are interested in me possibly doing a family portrait on them and we talk about what the process is and how much time will be needed to complete it. It will need to be several sessions with such a large piece, but this doesn't intimidate either of them.

  I hear the dinner bell sound and know that Ashton is ready to corral us all into the dining area so we can eat and continue with our getting to know each other. “Vanna, did you happen to bring your gun?” I ask her as we sit next to each other at the table.

  Her eyes grow wide and beam with excitement. “Oh, hell yes I did! I never travel, but I feel naked without having her with me, ya know? What about you?”

  “Same! I can’t leave without bringing my girl with me. Everyone thinks I’m nuts because I treat her like a member of the family. She has to be coddled and loved so she continues to be good to me. I wanted to talk something over with you. I have this idea, but I’d need you
r help to pull it off...are you interested in hearing about it?” I ask her.

  “Do tell,” she answers, as she rubs her palms together gleefully.

  I pull my satchel from the back of the chair and pull out my sketchbook. I show her a design I’ve been tinkering with. It’s a woman on a motorcycle with ‘Old Ladies Club’ sketched over it. There’s something missing to the design and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. My hope is with another creative designer we can get this perfect and present it to the others. A couple of them may be down for getting it inked, but I don’t foresee everyone jumping on board. “What do you think?” I skeptically ask her, hoping she doesn't view it as shit. I’m a portrait artist, so this is outside of my box, so to speak.

  “For a portrait artist, that’s some badass work, Rainey! The only thing I might personally change, is the bike itself. It looks more like a Honda CRF110, which is a dirt bike. Personally, I love the look of the Harley Davidson Softail,” she replies, shifting her gaze from the sketch, back up at me.

  “What are y’all two gossiping about? I heard Softail, or did my ears deceive me?” Jenalyn inquires as she leans in and begins to visually scan what I’ve sketched out.

  I laugh at Jenalyn’s tactful way of inserting herself into the conversation. I explain to her my idea about the tattoo I want to get and explained what it means to me, “I know the guys have their brotherhood, but I feel like we’re beginning our own brand of sisterhood. However strange it may seem to outsiders, so my thought process went to how I’d like to memorialize what you all mean to me, not only as people but as women I’ve come to consider my family. What do you think?” I chew on my bottom lip waiting for her to respond.