Old Ladies Club Book 3: Rebel Guardians MC (The Old Ladies Club) Read online

Page 11

  Jenalyn’s eyes go back and forth between mine and Savanna’s before she answers, “Definitely needs to look more like an actual motorcycle than a dirt bike, but look at the hair.” Her eyes shift back down at my sketch as she continues to study it. “It needs to be free and flowing behind this woman. We’re all ‘Ol ladies and we know the freedom the open road gives us. Just a thought,” she finishes before she turns her attention back toward the other women at the table.

  As soon as Jenalyn finishes what she was saying to us, Hannah walks up and sits across from us. “Oh my God! That’s fantastic, are you working on getting that to put on a canvas? Jenalyn and I could help! We are both artists who work with paints and oils and we would be happy to assist wherever you’re in need.” I forgot all about those two being professional artists! I will definitely be asking them for their input too.

  “All help will be appreciated, Hannah! Thank you for offering, I actually was asking Vanna to help me with this design because I was hopeful that she’d tat this on me while we’re all here,” I say to her.

  “I want one! I agree with Jenalyn’s assessment though, the hair needs to be flying to show her as if she’s in movement and the wind is blowing through her hair,” Hannah informs us.


  I really adore the design that Rainey and Vanna are working on and would love to have that inked on my skin. I bet dollars to donuts that DJ will be down for one as well. That girl loves not only her ink, but the bonds that are forming within what we’ve all began calling the ‘Old Ladies Club’ in our chats.

  “Where is everyone else at? I was looking for Skylar earlier and was told they hadn’t made it yet,” I ask Rainey, because I’m really looking forward to getting some more advice from her on how to handle my overbearing men.

  “They messaged earlier and said they’d be here later on today, they had a long drive and would need to make pit stops along the way,” Rainey replies.

  “Yes, I was wondering where the other women were and also if Kori was going to be making it?” Savanna’s eyes plead for us to give her an answer she approves of. Those two must’ve really bonded in a unique way for her to be asking specifically.

  “I spoke with Kori last night,” Rainey begins, “I don’t know if you know this but Kori is my sister-in-law, we’re married to brothers. Anyways, they’ll be here tomorrow, they couldn’t get away as quickly as the rest of us could. I know she’s extremely excited about coming and she’s bringing Sadie with her who is an Ol’ lady with her at the new chapter of the club.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to get to know everyone, but I’m anxious to meet everyone I’ve had conversations with online,” I reply.

  “We’re going to have such a good time,” Trinity states, coming up to the table. “Although I’m thinking that Talon may need to go with the men and help them out. Maybe one of the prospects can get him there?”

  I can’t help but laugh at her words because Talon and Claree are obviously enamored of one another and every time we have a club get-together, someone manages to find them off in a corner, making out. I’m about to say something when DJ interrupts, saying, “I’ll drive him myself if I have to. I’m too fucking young to be a grandmother!”

  “I have to second that notion,” Rainey implies, “I have a teenage boy as well and would flip my shit if I saw him making decisions he’s too young to make.”

  “I have no children,” Savanna begins, “but my folks have a teenage love story to rival most. It has a tragic, but also happy ending. Ouch! What?” Savanna asks Jenalyn as once again Jenalyn nudges her too, and gives her a death glare. “You know what, Jenalyn? Why don’t you go check the refrigerator? I’m almost certain I saw multiple bottles of vodka chilled and ready to drink.” Jenalyn is up and out of her seat with Patch hot on her tail in seconds. “I know her weakness and use it to my advantage sometimes,” Savanna casts her eyes back at us with a grin upon her face.

  “My parents also had a teenage love story, my mother has just moved on from losing him a few years back. She struggled initially with the thought of loving another man, she was worried it would tarnish what they had. But she’s now happily married to the doctor who saved my sister’s life. He’s a great man, but he’s not our dad so it’s a learning curve at this point. We all respect and care for him, but he’ll never be able to replace our dad,” Rainey adds.

  “My story isn’t as romantic as you guys’ is. My parents are losers who would rather sell their kids off for some drug, and drinking money, than deal with us. My sister was hurt more than I was, but she’s come through with the help of her old man and our adopted family that is the club. I know we aren’t supposed to share certain things, but as long as you want to share the story, or talk about anything, I’m here, Vanna, and swear to you, I’ll never betray your confidence. I know we are still establishing trust, and proving our loyalties to each other, but we can share without giving out those details that will have the capability of getting ourselves into trouble with the men and other women,” I say, nodding my head in Jeanalyn’s direction.

  Moments later, Jenalyn rounds the corner with a full glass in one hand, and the entire bottle in the other. She’s also seemed to relax some if the large grin on her face is any indication. “I’ve got the good stuff!” she shouts, and catches the attention of everyone in the room. “Who’s down?” she asks, as she raises the bottle up into the air and the full-patched member behind her places his palm over his face as he momentarily lowers his head. I haven’t said anything, but I notice he’s wearing an eye patch over one of his eyes. At this point, multiple scenarios of how that happened cross my mind. I read his road name on his cut and it is fitting and must be how he got it. It’s “Patch”.

  “I’m in, Jenalyn!” Ashton hollers out, “most of these bitches are pregnant and can’t join us in enjoying the good shit!” We all burst out in laughter at the two of them. I watch as Jenalyn pours a glass full of vodka for Ashton who practically gulps it in one drink and slams her glass down. Jenalyn smirks and refills the glass. She and Ashton shoot a couple of those and are both swaying on their feet. Both full of giggles and it looks like their having fun, why not? I could use some fun myself!

  “I’ll take a glass,” I add, “I don’t have a bun in the oven and can join in with the festivities.” I’m not much of a drinker, but if it will help me loosen up and not be so worried about what everyone is thinking about me, then I’m game. I’ve never been a social butterfly, but I’ve been looking forward to this getaway since it was brought up.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Jenalyn hollers out. “Now we’re talking! The more the merrier! I’m done with buns in the oven. If Just…” She pauses and her eyes widen to the size of silver dollars and I can see the wheels in her head spinning, but am unsure why. “What I meant was, if my man even brings up the subject of another baby, I’ll castrate him myself and he knows it! We’ve already had one surprise baby, and although I wouldn’t change a thing, I will never willingly allow that shit to happen again. We were drunk and forgot the condom. So now, I’ve got an IUD. Problem solved,” she finishes with a full smile covering her face.

  I’m mentally picturing Jenalyn with a scalpel in hand and removing her man’s baby making parts. This causes me to silently giggle, because I don’t think she’s joking about taking matters into her own hands. My head pops up because I can hear tires crunching on the asphalt outside and know that Skylar is here! We all jump up out of our seats and rush toward the front door. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around her, she’s been a great friend to me and has given me some outstanding advice that I’ve used and has helped me when it comes to dealing with my men.

  Jenalyn wraps an arm around Ashton’s neck and they both raise their glasses and cheer. I look at Savanna and then to Sidney. “Is she? Are they drunk already?”

  “Oh, Jenalyn’s tipsy, but not quite drunk yet. But good eye. The more alcohol flowing through her veins, the less bitchy and bossy she is. So, I’ll take it,” Vanna tells me.
I’m thinking we may need to keep a supply of vodka if fun Jenalyn comes out to play, she seems like a blast when she lets her inhibitions go.



  The trip has been long and I’m honestly ready to get out of this damn SUV. Bailey and Keira have been having a good time laughing and joking, especially when they can take it out on poor Goose. He’s been the brunt of their jokes for the last few hundred miles, and for the most part he’s being a good sport about it. At one point though, I do believe that he made a call to Grim about the antics of his old lady. I’ve been laughing right along with them, even if I am distracted.

  While I know that we need this trip, I’m anxious about meeting everyone. It’s going to be hard for me to meet the girls, add in any of the men and I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. It’s how I’ve always been and it’s not going to change any time soon. So, I’ve been trying to keep myself relaxed and out of my own head. For the most part it’s worked, but now that we’re getting closer, it’s starting to not happen.

  “Sky, you know you’ll be okay, right?” Bailey asks, placing her hand on my shoulder so that she can feel how tense I really am.

  “I know. You just know how I am when it comes to meeting new people. I’m worried about it and I don’t know what to do,” I tell them, not caring if Goose hears me at this point.

  “We’ll all be right there by your side. And I think that Goose is one of the guys going with us. He’s not going to let anything happen to you either,” Keira tells me, leaning forward from the back seat.

  “I know. It just doesn’t change the anxiety and nerves that start flowing through my body in these situations. It’s something that has happened since I met Reagan and Jameson’s dad. He made my life hell and it’s something that I live with to this day.”

  “I will be with you guys the whole time,” Goose speaks up. “Skylar, if you get too overwhelmed, come next to me. I got you.”

  While I know without a doubt everyone will have my back, it doesn’t change things for me. My ex conditioned me to feel this way and no matter how much work I do with Karen and have the support of my men and club, nothing works when it comes to this. If I’m surrounded by a large group of people I don’t know, I pretty much clam up and can’t do anything. It’s debilitating and I want to overcome it so bad. There just doesn’t seem to be a way to ensure that I do get past it.

  “We’ve got about five minutes until we get there,” Bailey tells me, looking up from her phone. I’m sure that she’s messaging someone there to let them know we’re close.

  I nod my head and go back to looking out the window. The scenery isn’t holding my attention, but it is saving me from having to talk to anyone. I’ve tried to take a few small naps, setting my alarms when I do so that I don’t get anyone upset with me again. Cage and Joker have been shoved up my ass when we have stopped because they are worried about me. I don’t want that and I don’t want to feel as tired as I have been. Maybe it is time to slow down and realize that if things don’t get done, it’s not the end of the world.

  “Skylar, I’m not letting you stay in your head and not mingle with everyone while we’re here. You’ve gotten to know these ladies and they’re not strangers in the sense that you have been able to have conversations with at least a few of them,” Bailey speaks up, drawing my attention back inside the vehicle and out of my head.

  “I know you’re not. I’m going to mingle with everyone and try to be open. It’s going to be hard, but I’m going to try my hardest,” I tell her, looking between Keira and Bailey.

  “We’re pulling up now,” Goose speaks up from behind the wheel.

  Great! Now my nerves are truly shot as I look out the windshield and see all of the other vehicles already parked. I guess we really are the last of the group to arrive. On top of my nerves, excitement starts to run through my veins at the thought that we’re finally meeting the women that we’ve all been talking to online. It will definitely be nice to put some faces to the names. Plus, I’m really looking forward to meeting Hannah and hear how things are going with her men.

  I take a deep breath as Goose parks and slowly let it out. Just as I open the door to get out, I see what looks to be a swarm of women begin to run toward us. As they get closer, I’m trying to figure out which one is which, but I’m too overwhelmed to get anything straight right now.

  “Skylar!” I hear called out and step aside to see who it was calling out my name. I notice a small blonde rushing through the crowd elbowing her way through. “Skylar! It’s me Hannah! I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you in person!” she squeals.

  “Hannah! I’m happy to finally meet you,” I tell her, my heart is racing in my chest and I feel like it’s going to keep racing faster and faster until we get through this. “I want to catch up with you about everything that’s been going on with you and your men.”

  “Oh my God! Yes, I need to tell you all about their new shenanigans! They are freaking driving me insane! But there’s enough time for that once we get you settled. The prospects have set up a bonfire for us to sit around and chat tonight. Let’s get you guys settled in your rooms and we can catch up. I still can’t believe I get to see you face-to-face, you’re so beautiful! I really imagined you as this petite little thing from the sound of your voice! It’s crazy how no one ever matches what you picture,” she rushes out in one breath.

  “Hannah, let the poor girl breathe, I’m DJ by the way,” she sticks her hand out for a shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you, DJ,” I say, shaking her hand. “This is Bailey and Keira. The rest of the girls are making their way out of the rest of the SUVs.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” Bailey and Keira say, shaking the hands of the other two women standing before us.

  True to their word, they’re not leaving me alone. As soon as they could get by my side, they did. Goose isn’t standing all that far away from us right now either. He’s got a weird look on his face and I’m not sure what to make of it. The only time he turns his attention from us is when he’s searching Sami out.

  “Welcome, ladies, I’m Ashton and we have your rooms ready for you, if you’ll follow me we’ll get you settled and give you a chance to catch your breath from all of these antics from these excited ladies.” I notice she’s swaying and her words are a little slurred, looks like they’ve gotten into the good stuff before we all had a chance to arrive.

  “Thank you! That sounds amazing,” Bailey tells her, giving me a look telling me that she is more than ready to start enjoying the good stuff with the rest of the ladies.

  Before we can make our way completely inside, we’re approached by three more women. One is holding a glass in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. Never letting go of either, she still manages to wrap her arms around my neck somehow. “Skylar!” She leans back and eyes me up and down. “Hot momma! I’m Jenalyn, by the way,” she finishes, introducing herself. “Oh, silly me.” She turns to to the other two women. “Where are my manners? This is Savanna and this is Sidney.”

  Savanna pushes her way closer and pulls me into an embrace. “It’s so nice to finally meet you!”

  Another blonde inches toward me. “I’m Sidney...just Sidney,” she informs me before she looks to Jenalyn for some sort of approval.

  “Oh, don’t be so reserved, Sid. You’re not just Sidney, you’re Dr. fucking Sidney Cole! Baby-saving, life-saving, badass! Be proud and own that shit!” Jenalyn tells her, as Sidney’s eyes cast a confused look toward her.

  Savanna leans in and whispers as she slyly points to Jenalyn, “She’s had a few to drink already. You will learn she has two personalities. So, under a more sober circumstance, she would either mentally or verbally chastise us for sharing too much personal information.” I nod as the information I’m receiving is a bit all-consuming, but good to know.

  Next thing I know, I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the women introducing themselves at one time. Some I’ve spoken to before either on the phone, in
private chats, and during posts on our forum. There’s too many names to put to faces and I find that I’m in need of taking a breather and getting away from all that’s happening at one time. I look over at Bailey and I know she can feel the tension that’s radiating off of me so she grabs my elbow and begins pulling me away from the crowd of women. I notice Ashton hasn’t stopped heading away from us and into the resort, I long to be by her and getting away from this madhouse I find myself suddenly thrust into. Hell, I’d gladly climb in the first hole that I come across and not come out until everyone has settled down.

  We all begin to follow everyone else as they show us where are rooms are. Goose and the prospects are following us with our bags so that we can unpack and get changed if that’s what we want to do. Personally, I can’t wait for a long, cool shower so that I can cool down and get the road grime from travelling off of me. Plus, maybe then everyone will have had a few drinks and be calmed down from the excitement of meeting one another.

  Bailey doesn’t leave my side as Keira stays back a little. I’m guessing they formulated some sort of plan to run interference when I started getting uptight. Hell, she could be filling the rest of the girls in on what’s going on with me right now. This isn’t something that they’re going to keep to themselves, and I honestly don’t expect them too. We always share everything within our little circle and they already know of my struggle.


  Knowing that Skylar is having a hard time, I watch on as Bailey drags her away from the crowd. We knew this was going to happen and forgot to come up with some sort of game plan before we got here. That’s on us, so now we’ll have to improvise until she feels comfortable enough to stand on her own. Bailey and I promised to have her back and we’re going to stand by that.