His Christmas Pixie Read online

Page 5

  “Hey, you’ll never guess what just happened,” Fran said, coming around the corner.

  “What?” Chessie asked.

  “When Mr. Johnson overheard what we were doing for the girls, he left us two hundred dollars to get stuff! He said he wanted to be part of the ‘Santa’ gift and since he doesn’t have any family, this was the next best thing!”

  “Oh my goodness! We’ll be able to get a little area rug for the ‘living room’ area and maybe small tv trays! Plus, the kitchen accessories. This is going to be so much fun!” Chessie responded.

  “Can’t wait! Meanwhile, over at table three, they’d like more coffee,” Fran dead-panned.

  “Ha! Yeah, was just headed back out there.”

  Walking over to table three, she grabbed a new pot of coffee. “Hey, y’all, heard you needed topping off! Sorry for the slight wait, I’ve been talking all morning and was starting to sound a bit croaky!” she told the table as she began topping off their coffees. Seeing that their water glasses were half full, she said, “Need water too? I’ll go grab it for you.”

  “Naw, darlin’, just the coffee,” the man said. “And maybe your phone number.”

  “Ah, I’m seeing someone,” she said.

  “No harm in trying, is there?” he shot back.

  “Not at all. Just being honest with you. Was there anything else you needed?”

  “Aw leave her be Marvin! No, young lady, just the check when you get it ready, okay?” said the older man.

  “Give me a few and I’ll bring it back. You can either pay up at the register or I can handle it for you, whichever is easiest for you.”

  With that, she went and processed their ticket and then brought it back to the table. The man the older one had identified as Marvin said, “Listen, I meant no offense…”

  “None taken. Are y’all here to visit the winter festival area? There are a lot of neat booths for one-of-a-kind gifts.”

  “Just passing through. Good food, though, so whenever we are in the area, we’ll stop back.”

  “Fantastic! We love repeat customers and actually have quite a few who stop by to and from their vacation destinations!” she said cheerfully. Man, this guy was giving her the heebie-jeebies!

  “Here you go, miss,” the older man said, handing her the money along with their ticket. “Keep the change.”

  “Thank you. Safe travels!” she said, taking a few of their empty plates and heading back to the table.

  With the breakfast rush over, she and Fran set about restoring order to the dining room. The busboy had called in sick, which had left them a bit short-handed, especially with Pam being off, but somehow they had managed. No one was ill-tempered and everyone showed an extreme amount of patience. In fact, there were several times that regular customers offered up their empty seats to those waiting so folks didn’t have to wait long.

  As the next shift came in, she took off her apron, counted her tips and went back to give some to the cook. He had worked his ass off, getting orders out in record time and not making any mistakes. “Hey Joe, thanks for today, it was crazy!” she said, walking up to him. “Here’s your take, it was a good day on the floor for us!”

  “Ah, Chessie-girl, you know you don’t have to do that! Sam and Sadie pay me well and you girls don’t have to tip me too!” he said, pushing her hand away.

  “Pssh, Joe, I know you’ve been saving to get Alice that ring. Put it towards that, okay? It’s Christmas time! Don’t steal my opportunity to be a blessing to someone!” she mock growled.

  Seeing that the young woman wasn’t going to back down, he took the proffered money, then looked at her wide-eyed. “Uh, Chessie-girl, you realize how much you gave me?”

  “Yep. I told you we were blessed today out there. You had to know we were busier than normal?”

  “I did, kind of, but you know how I cook by now. I have trays of bacon always going, and as soon as one pan of scrambled eggs is done, I usually have another one ready to go so all I really have to do is the toast and the specialty eggs.”

  Ha! She loved that he called over-easy and sunnyside up “specialty eggs”. He had done that for all the years she had known him. Reaching up, she kissed his cheek and said, “Thanks again, Joe. You are so appreciated. Now, shop for that beautiful wife of yours!”

  “Yes, ma’am! Can’t wait to see her face and I do believe that what you gave me will get it out of the store!”

  “Well, I can probably ensure that one,” Fran said, walking into the kitchen. “Here’s your portion of my take as well. You can’t say no. It’s Christmas.”

  As Joe looked at the two young women who he had watched grow up, he got a little choked up. They knew how he had struggled when Alice got sick, and had pitched in working the kitchen, giving him their checks so he could stay home. They were the granddaughters he had never had, all three of them, and they were always looking out for him and his wife. Pulling them both close, he kissed their heads and said, “Love you girls. Now get outta my kitchen before you break the golden rule!”

  “What’s that?”

  “There’s no crying in the kitchen!”

  Laughing, both girls hugged him again and left the kitchen, grabbing their purses and coats to head out for their shopping extravaganza.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mack looked at the room in amazement. All the walls were painted and the kitchen that Chessie and Fran found went perfectly in the far corner. On the opposite corner, a small entertainment center held a television, game console and the movies the little girls already owned. A small area rug was in front of the entertainment center, and they had recovered a loveseat that a friend had for the girls to sit on. They had two small end tables, making the area look like a living room. Behind that, they had built bookshelves that were anchored to the walls and had made the area a library. Their baby dolls even had a small area set up like a nursery. On the wall right behind the door, they had used chalkboard paint so the girls could create whatever they wanted, erase it and start all over again.

  “I think they’re going to love it,” Chessie said, coming into the room alongside him. “This is more than I expected! Now I have to finish up the doll blankets for the cribs that dad made. I’ve already made them each a throw for when they’re curled up on the loveseat watching a movie.”

  Mack looked down at Chessie in amazement. When did this woman find the time to do that kind of thing? As far as he knew, she worked, went to school and took care of Jade. Voicing that question, he wasn’t surprised to hear, “I crochet when I go to bed. Usually I read, but right now, with Christmas coming and working all the hours I am, that’s the only time I have.”

  Grabbing her hand, they left the room, being careful to lock the door so the little girls couldn’t peek. The door itself would be changed into a half door. It was already in the garage and they would change it out on Christmas Eve once the girls went to bed. And Sam had crafted a wooden piece that would go over the door and along the wall so that it looked like they were walking into a house. There was even a little sign on one side that said “Sophie and Jade’s Playhouse” and a small, usable mailbox.

  “Pixie-girl, I don’t think you guys will get the girls out of that room once they see what’s in there!” he said.

  Laughing, she said, “Yeah, we figured as much. But we also figured that as they grew up, we could change it and eventually, make it a room where they and their friends could hang out, y’know?”

  “Yeah, I can see that happening. So, whose house is it anyhow?” he asked.

  “It belongs to the three of us. Mom and dad helped us with the down payment, but it’s in our names, not theirs.”

  “So…what happens when you or Pam or Fran get married?” he queried.

  “Well, depending on the man and his circumstances, they would either live here with built-in roommates, or we would move in with them. The house will stay in our names regardless because we want the girls to have something when they get older.”

  Ah, t
hat makes sense he thought. And it’s not like I cannot duplicate this in my own house because I am going to want my pixie to myself for a while.

  “What has that look on your face Mack?” she asked.

  “Oh just thinking, Pixie-girl.”


  “About how if this is going where I think it is, you better be prepared to move.”

  Move? Shit, they had gone on one date! Holy moly!

  Displaying none of this on her face, she simply said, “Wherever my husband is, I will follow.”

  Drawing her close with his hands around her waist, he leaned down and gently kissed her. “Ah my Pixie-girl, that’s the answer I was hoping for if you want the truth.”

  “Mack, I’ll always want to hear the truth, even if it’s hard to hear.”

  “As do I. I think honesty and communication is a good foundation for a relationship. It builds trust. Now that we’ve done all this work, what say we go pick up that little sprite and go get something to eat? And I heard there was a new kid-oriented movie out. Do you think she’d want to go?”

  OMG. This man was killing her!

  “Yes, let’s go get her and see what she thinks about taking in a show.”

  As he helped her with her jacket, he was thinking about later. He wanted her, but not just for one night. Now, how to convince her?

  Chapter Twelve

  “Momma! Today we made snowball cookies!” Jade cried when she saw her mother and Mack walk through the door at Sadie’s house.

  Looking at her daughter and seeing the streaks of confectioner’s sugar covering her cheeks, she reached out a finger and swiped it down her face and licking it, said, “I see that, pumpkin. Are you sure that you are not a snowball?”

  Mack watched as the little girl broke out in giggles. She took delight in so many things and it was obvious that her mother doted on her.

  “Mister Mack wants to take us to dinner and to see that new movie that came out,” Chessie told her daughter.

  Wide eyes stared up at him. “Really?”

  “Yes, really, my little sprite! Are you ready to go or do you need to help your grandma clean up?”

  “No we cleaned as we went. Grandma Sadie said that way, when everything is done, you’re done too!” Jade said. “I gotta wash my face first, okay?”

  “Of course, pumpkin.”

  Goodbyes said, a missing glove located and face clean, they finally headed out to Mack’s truck, where he helped both of his girls in and made sure Jade was buckled up before he headed to the driver’s seat. “What are you two in the mood to eat?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  As Chessie got Jade settled after the busy evening, she thought back over the past few days. She knew, somehow, that Mack was different than anyone she had ever met. He had a very commanding presence, yet his calmness made her feel safe and secure. Listening to Jade talk about the movie and how much fun she had, and seeing the delight that crossed her daughter’s face, had her making a decision that would hopefully benefit both of their futures.

  “Alright, pumpkin. Time for you to go to sleep, okay? Momma has to work tomorrow so I have to get in bed too, okay?”

  “Okay Momma. I love you.”

  “Ah, my sweet girl, I love you too, so very much. Sleep tight and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

  Going back to her room and getting settled for the night, she had just picked up her crocheting to see if she could get something closer to being finished when she heard a soft knock on her door. “Come in,” she said softly.

  At her call, the door opened and she saw her two best friends waltz in, already in pajamas and dragging their pillows and two bottles of wine. Not an unusual sight at all as they had often pig-piled in one room or another, drinking wine, gossiping and watching whatever sappy chick flick they could find.

  “We figured we haven’t done this in a while and we want to know all about Mack!” Pam cried, claiming the middle of the bed. Dammit, she was a bed hog. Thank goodness for a California King.

  “Yeah, fill us in now that the girls are sleeping and there are no men around to distract any of us,” Fran said, after pouring them each a healthy glass of wine.

  “Hmm, what do you two want to know?” Chessie asked cautiously, because with these two, the sky was the limit.

  “How is he in bed?”

  “What’s it like after all these years?”

  “Do you think he’s a keeper?”

  Holy shit. They were tripping over themselves asking these questions and already her head was spinning and she hadn’t taken the first sip of wine!

  “Okay. Let’s see. We haven’t had sex yet. Yes, he spent the night here, but we talked and that was it. He doesn’t want to move too fast. And yes, I do think he’s a keeper. What do you two think?”

  Fran thought for a minute then said, “Y’know, the way he has had his eye on you these past few days, I can see him being here for the long haul.”

  “What happened to our ‘try before you buy’ plan we had?” Pam butted in.

  “Yeah, because that worked out so fucking well for me before,” Chessie shot back. “I’ll definitely have sex with him. He’s hot and interested and it’s been a long dry spell and he’s the first one who has had me even thinking about it at all, so why not?”

  Continuing on, she said, “He is good with both of the girls, Mom and Dad obviously like him and know of his family, and he and your guys all got along, right?”

  Silent contemplation from them both had her raising her brows. “What?”

  “I don’t think you were this hot and bothered back when you and Jason were a thing,” Fran finally said.

  “Hmm, you’re right! She wasn’t!” Pam chimed in.

  “Okay so now that we have my love life on track, what about you two?”

  “Ah…well, I think I’m done playing the field,” Pam said. “Derek has been interested in me for a long time, but he said he waited until I settled down a bit.”

  Chessie thought for a moment. Yeah, she could see him waiting for her free-spirited friend to realize that miscellaneous hook-ups were not what she wanted. “Yeah I can see that and I am so happy for you and Sophie both!” she cried.

  “What about Aaron? You said you two were back on again?” Chessie queried.

  “Uh, yeah. We’re both tired of playing games and are talking about moving in together,” Fran admitted.

  “Wow, really? I’m happy for you. I know it’s something you’ve wanted for a long time now,” Chessie said.

  “The hard part is going to be leaving you two.”

  “As if! You’ll see us at the diner and I’m sure we’ll all go out together. Plus, we’re supposed to be going on our weeklong vacation between Christmas and New Year’s, remember?”

  “About that–do you think the guys could come along?” Fran asked.

  “Well…the house we rented is big enough. I guess I can talk to Mack to see if he would want to come with us and if he doesn’t, I just won’t go so I’m not a third wheel for you two and your beaus,” Chessie responded.

  “Ha! I don’t think he will say no, my friend!” Pam cried.

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. Really.”

  “I guess we will see, won’t we? Now, what are we going to watch?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Looking around the room, Mack paused. Would she like it? Was it too soon? He had recreated the playroom at his house so that Jade would have her own space whenever they were at his house, which he hoped would be soon. Closing his eyes, he could picture the little girl playing and singing and just having a good time. Now that this was done, he could take a quick shower and go see his girl. His girl. Shit if his buddies could hear his thoughts, they’d take his man card and have a bonfire going before he could deny otherwise. Ah, who cares, he thought. It wasn’t as if he was eighteen and green around the ears. His military service had allowed him to go places and experience things most only dreamed of. Now? He was ready to settle down

  Shower done, he walked back through his room to grab some warm clothes. The temperatures had dropped even further, and the snow that had fallen was still there and the newscasters were saying something about unprecedented amounts of snow heading their way. Might not be a bad idea to hit the grocery store and stock up, just in case. As he dressed, he wondered how best to pursue his pixie. He thought about it while preparing a travel mug of coffee, and again as he headed to his truck. Thank goodness for automatic starters, especially in the bone-chilling temperatures.