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His Christmas Pixie Page 6
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Page 6
Making his way through the grocery store, he picked up some kid-friendly items as well for Jade. Then he wondered if their house was stocked up against the pending weather. Well, he could run to the diner-as cold as it was out, nothing was going to spoil.
“Order up!” Joe called out.
“I’ve got it,” Chessie told Fran. “You go ahead and top off coffee and I’ll bring it on over. Table four, right?”
“Yeah. Thanks girl!”
“No problem.” Walking back to table four with a tray, she saw Mack come in the door. The smile that lit up his face took her breath away. “Mack, hey! We’re all over today so just grab a seat and I’ll be there in a few, okay?” she called out.
“That’s fine, Pixie-girl!”
Finished at table four, she hurried over to Mack. “You look cold!”
“Ah, I know a way I could get warm quickly if you’re of a mind, that is,” he said, smirking.
Blushing, she looked at him and said, “Well, now might not be a good time for that considering where we are!”
He laughed then leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll take the special, beautiful. What are you doing later?”
“Well, I have more to wrap so was going to do that since mom and dad have the girls for their traditional ‘watch Christmas movies’ marathon tonight. Want to help?”
“My wrapping leaves much to be desired but I’d love to come and help you by handing you tape and paper,” he responded.
“That works too! I’ll get this order in for you. Do you want some coffee?”
“Please. And, Chessie? The weather is getting bad, you be careful coming home later, okay?”
“I will. I promise.”
Later that day
As Chessie walked out to her car, she could see that the snow had been falling steadily, and from the looks of things, it wasn’t going to let up any time soon. At this rate, they were going to be snowed in for Christmas! Shaking her head, she cranked the car then waited as it warmed up. With the weather the way it was, traffic was light, but she was still careful going through town as the plows hadn’t been able to keep up with the snowfall. As her ten-minute drive stretched to fifteen and then twenty minutes, she wondered if she had missed her turn, then shook her head. How silly! Of course she didn’t, she was simply driving slower than normal. Ah, finally, there was their driveway. She hummed in pleasure when she saw that Mack’s truck was already there. She was hoping she could talk him into spending the night since the girls weren’t there. The weather would be the perfect excuse!
Gathering the bags from her trunk, she made her way into the house and saw Mack walking towards her, his hands out to take what she had. Once he had put them on the couch in the family room, he came back and helped her get out of her coat. Giving her a quick kiss on her forehead, he said, “Go. Get comfortable. I put a pot of beef vegetable soup on when I got over here and I want to feed my girl before she starts wrapping!”
Laughing, she winked at him and said. “I may need my strength for more than wrapping!”
Heading back into the kitchen after changing clothes, she took a second to appreciate the fact that a man was standing in her kitchen, dishing out food that he had made. For her. “Mmm, it smells so darned good! I can’t wait to eat,” she said, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist.
He froze. This was the first time she had willingly put her hands on him and he wasn’t going to blow it. Putting the bowls that he had filled down, he turned in her arms carefully, hugging her back as he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. “Where are your socks?” he said, peering down at the bare feet sticking out from beneath a pair of fuzzy lounge pants.
“Oops. Well, if I’m honest, I don’t like anything on my feet,” she said.
“Don’t your toes get cold?”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Well, eat first, then you can get some, okay? Last thing you want to do is get sick right before Jade’s birthday and Christmas!”
Good heavens, a man who made sense. Sitting down, she waited for him to grab their bowls, and then she took her first bite. “Oh my goodness, Mack! This is delicious!”
He grinned at her as she continued to spoon the soup into her mouth. “Glad you like it, Pixie-girl. My mother made sure all of her children could cook.”
“I like to cook as well, but enjoy baking more,” she said, while buttering a piece of the bread he had made. Heaven. She had died and gone to culinary heaven.
Hearing the low moan that she made as she chewed had him wondering if she would make that same noise in bed. He was so lost in his thoughts about her in bed that he didn’t hear her until she called his name again.
“Mack? You okay?”
“What? Yes, just thinking about something. Sorry about that, Pixie-girl.”
“What were you thinking? The look on your face was rather…intriguing.”
Throwing caution to the wind, he looked at her and said, “How you’ll sound when we’re in bed together, Pixie-girl.”
Cue the blush she thought. “Oh. I…see,” she stammered.
“Chessie, it’ll happen at some point and while I’m man enough to admit I wish it was now, I’m also man enough to tell you that it’s when you’re ready, yeah?” he softly said.
“What if…if I’m ready now? I mean, I know we’ve only known each other for a matter of days, but I’ve never felt what I’m feeling before for anyone else and I want to see where it goes.”
“Let’s roll with it, okay, Pixie-girl? No pressure. I know you’ve got some wrapping to do, and the weather is shit so I wasn’t planning to go anywhere tonight anyhow.”
“Okay, no pressure,” she finally said after looking at him closely to see that indeed, he meant what he said. If they did, they did. If they waited, he was okay with that as well.
With dinner finally finished and the kitchen cleaned up, he shooed her to get a pair of socks for her feet while he set up a table in her family room to make it easier for her to wrap.
“What? Oh! That will be a lot easier, Mack! Usually, my back is about half dead before I’m all done, bending over on the floor.”
Coming close to her, he drew her into his arms and before his mouth found hers, he said, “I’m all about making your life easier, Pixie-girl.”
Holy smokes could he kiss!
Chapter Fifteen
Mack built up the fire so they would stay warm and found a channel playing Christmas movies while she got out a few bags, the wrapping paper, tape and bows. Getting comfortable on the couch, she separated the gifts according to who they were for and then started wrapping.
As she wrapped, they talked about the renovations he was making and had already made to his house. She couldn’t wait to see what he had done.
“Pixie-girl? I uh…I went ahead and converted one of the rooms into a playroom for Jade at my house,” he finally told her.
“Really? She’s going to be so excited!”
“I thought you might be upset.”
“Why would I be upset?” she asked him quizzically.
“Well…I got to thinking that you might think it was presumptuous of me to do something like that since we just met a few days ago. But honestly? I feel like I’ve known you forever,” he told her.
Putting the tape down, she crawled across the couch to where he was sitting and didn’t stop until she was straddling his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she told him between kisses, “Mack Corrigan, I think Santa sent you to me a few weeks early.”
Pulling her flush against his chest, he gently cupped her face in one of his hands and while stroking her cheek, he softly replied, “I think you’re right, my sweet pixie-girl,” before he lowered his head and claimed her lips in a blistering kiss.
As the movie played on and the fire continued to burn, he made love to her mouth, while his hands roamed across her back. With their kisses growing more fervent, he reali
zed that he wasn’t prepared to take it further and he stopped for a second, saying, “Pixie-girl, not prepared to take this further tonight even though I want to.”
She could feel how much he wanted to and knew that she was in the same boat desire-wise. Blowing out a breath, she softly said, “And I’m not on anything, either, dammit!”
He chuckled at her frustration and said, “We’ll figure it out. Now, what has to be hidden and what can go under the tree?” She untangled herself from his lap and started pointing at the piles and smiled as he began moving things where they needed to go.
Watching her, he fell a little more. He could tell how much she loved the season and he marveled at how well-adjusted she was despite all she had gone through. “Pixie-girl, you want something to drink?”
“That would be great but I’ll get it for us because I need to stretch.” As she went into the kitchen, she glanced out the window and called out, “Mack, you should see how much snow has fallen!”
He came behind her and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Pixie-girl, looks like a winter wonderland out there, I’m glad I won’t be going anywhere tonight.”
She smiled inside–she had loved waking up in his arms and wouldn’t complain about the weather keeping him with her. Breaking away after giving him a quick kiss, she grabbed the phone and sent a quick text to Pam.
Chessie: Hey girl, you’re staying put, yeah?
Pam: Yep.
Chessie: Question for you.
Pam: What?
Chessie: Well, Mack is here…
Pam: And?
Chessie: Um, do you have any condoms?
Pam: OMG!!! Hell yeah, in my night stand. The drought is O-V-E-R!
Chessie: Hahaha. Very funny. I just want to be prepared is all.
Pam: Have fun chica!
When the lights flickered for the fourth time, Mack went and got more wood while Chessie made sure the bathrooms had water in the tubs and hunted down flashlights. They were on city water, but always made sure to fill up the tubs to flush the toilets. Meeting back in the family room with some blankets and pillows, she looked at him and said, “Figured we might have to bunk out here.”
“Good idea, Pixie-girl.”
He went and got the air mattress from the spare room and together they got the bed made.
“Uh, Mack?”
He looked at her in the firelight and his first thought was mine followed by curiosity at the tone she was using. Standing, he pulled her into his arms–something he was becoming addicted to–and leaning his forehead against hers said, “What is it, Pixie-girl?”
He watched as her face flushed and she took a deep breath. “I uh…I texted Pam a little while ago.”
“And?” he asked her, wondering why.
“She…uh…she has some condoms, so uh…well...” she stammered out, unable to meet his eyes.
Understanding dawned on him and he leaned down to whisper, “Did she tell you where they are?”
“Mmhmm,” she responded.
“Well, my vote is you go grab them so we have them handy,” he said as he nipped her earlobe.
“Okay. Uh, I’m gonna grab a shower before we lose power totally and I’ll get them then.”
“Sounds like a plan, my Pixie-girl.”
She was almost done with her shower when the lights flickered again before going out completely. Shit she thought as she turned off the water and carefully got out of the stall. She might have forgotten a flashlight but her towel and clothes were laid out at least. As she quickly dried off, she could hear Mack come into the room.
“Pixie-girl? Brought you a flashlight. You doing okay?”
Slipping into her flannel pajama set, she said, “Yeah, almost done, you can come in.”
He opened the bathroom door and burst into laughter at the sight in front of him.
“What’s so funny?”
“Pixie-girl, I hope I’m not sounding too forward when I say this, but I love the reindeer.”
She looked down and realized that the noses on the two reindeer were over her nipples. Raising her eyebrows, she said, “You do?”
With a husky tone in his voice, he came closer and leaned down to whisper, “Oh yeah, my Pixie-girl, I honestly do.”
Gah his voice she thought. It was turning her insides to goo. “C’mon, let’s get back to the family room so you stay warm,” he told her.
She finished running a brush through her hair as he reached out his hand for her. Once back in the family room after detouring into Pam’s room, he got her settled then told her he was going to close the other doors to conserve the house’s heat. Looking up at him, she thanked him and then sent off quick texts to the girls and her parents to make sure all were accounted for and safe and sound.
He made quick work of a shower in the dark and then closed the other doors and made sure the house was locked down before he rejoined her. Laying side by side on the air mattress, he traced her face with his thumb and index finger before he leaned down to capture her lips in a quick kiss. “Pixie-girl, nowhere else I’d rather be than right here with you right now,” he told her as his thumb and index finger continued to caress her cheek and jawline.
Looking at him, she softly replied, “Same here, Mack. I don’t understand the connection we have but I’m not going to question it.”
In the glow of the firelight, he could see how her eyes were shining. Leaning in, he softly kissed her–first her forehead and then each cheek before he captured her lips. Passion soon flared and he pulled her closer, cupping the back of her neck with one hand while the other stroked along her back and down her side.
Time stood still while they caressed and kissed. He could feel her restless movements against him and broke their kiss to say, “Pixie-girl, I want to see you.”
She pulled back slightly and then shyly lifted her pajama top, stopping when he took over. He looked at her–full breasts with pebbled nipples-and he leaned down and nuzzled first one and then the other. Her soft moans filled the air even as she looked at him with wonder in her eyes. “Mack,” she breathed out on a sigh.
“I’ve got you, Pixie, and I won’t let go,” he promised as his thumb stroked the nipple before he brought his mouth down to capture it between his lips.
Oh my God she thought as shocks of pleasure went through her. Reaching out blindly, she fisted his T-shirt struggling to get to his skin. He pulled back slightly and in a move that only men seemed capable of pulled the shirt off over his head and tossed it to the side. Oh heavens she thought as she felt the warmth of his skin against her chest. She lifted one hand and traced his chest from shoulder to waist, feeling the slight tickle of his chest hairs and she marveled at how it felt beneath her fingers. He was so warm, radiating a heat that was causing the inferno within to flame even higher.
“Mack…Mack?” she stammered out.
“Hmm, Pixie?” he whispered, dropping a kiss below her ear that had her shivering.
“I…I want more,” she admitted. “But…”
“But what, Pixie-girl?” he asked gently, laying back and pulling her so she was partially across his chest.
“I…” she faltered and then he watched as she took in a breath and carried on, “I don’t really know what to do. I mean, I don’t want to bring him into this, but it was only the one time and I sure as hell didn’t feel like I’m feeling right now.”
Smiling down at her as he could feel how her body was reacting, he kissed her on the nose and said, “Do whatever feels right, Pixie. Do whatever you want. We’ll figure out as we go what you like, and I’ll tell you and show you what I enjoy, okay?”
She thought about what he had just said and finally nodded her head. “I want to touch you.”
He laid back against the pillows and said, “Have at it, my sweet Pixie.”
Leaning up, she looked down at the man lying there. She could see how dark his eyes were and a thrill of somethin
g she couldn’t name ran through her. She was the reason he was looking like he was, no one else! Reaching out a hand, she traced his face with her fingers before she began stroking his arms and chest. Ah that chest she thought. Muscles that weren’t overboard but were testament to how he cared for himself. Chest hair that wasn’t too much and wasn’t too little–she giggled thinking “just right” as she lowered to tease one of his nipples peeking through with her tongue. A hiss of indrawn breath had her glancing up only to hear him say, “Feels good, Pixie.” Emboldened now, she continued her perusal, occasionally touching and stroking and kissing. She could see the evidence of his desire against the sweats he wore and wondered how it was going to feel. Running a finger underneath the waistband, she felt his indrawn breath, but he didn’t say anything so she continued. As she attempted to pull them down, he finally came to life beneath her and within seconds, he was lying there naked. Now sitting back on her knees, she looked at all he had to offer and was thrilled at the fact that he wanted her. Reaching out her hand, she gently grasped his erection and gasped at the contrast of silky smooth skin covering hot molten steel. Stroking gently, she felt his hand cover hers and heard him say, “Like this, Pixie” as he tightened her hold on him. The soft skin below his bellybutton beckoned her and she leaned down to nuzzle the skin and lave it with her tongue, continuing the motion he had shown her.